Interactive Session with Banks & Financial Advisory Companies for MSMEs by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) MSME Sub-Committee (WR) is organizing an Interactive Session with Banks & Financial Advisory Companies for MSMEs on 29 Jan 2010 at Hotel Orchid, near Domestic Airport, Mumbai.
The objective of the session is to discuss the new credit, banking and finance option available to the MSMEs and how these can be utilized to the best by the MSMEs, as a major problem faced by MSMEs is access to finance – importantly, timely finance in adequate quantity. By and large MSMEs are unable to raise the required finance in time and in the process lose business – there are also instances where businesses close down. They are either not able to present their case properly to the bankers, don’t possess the know-how to complete the intricate paperwork or in plain words lack the expertise to deal with banks and financial institutions.

On the other side, almost all the banks have an MSME focus, have products and schemes designed exclusively for the MSMEs, have adequate funds – but are unable to find right takers. In other words there is a big disconnect between lenders and prospective borrowers.

The presentations will be made by select bankers from Private, Public & Co-operative sectors and rating agencies.

The session will be followed by one-to-one sessions with select bankers and Financial Advisory Companies.
The confirmations may be sent using the below Reply Form.
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Name Designation
1. ____________________________ ______________________________
2. ____________________________ ______________________________
3. ____________________________ ______________________________
4. ____________________________ ______________________________

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Designation :__________________________________________________
Organisation :_________________________________________________
Address :_____________________________________________________
Tel : ________________________
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For Details Please contact:Radhika Ramani
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
Bungalow No 2, Ganeshkhind Road
Near Rahul Cinema
ShivajinagarPune-411 005
(T): 020-2553 6159/6590
(F): 020-2553 6892
(E): [email protected]

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