- To promote the development of micro, small and medium enterprises including enterprises engaged in providing or rendering services, hereinafter shall be referred to as micro, small and medium enterprises including service enterprises in the State of Goa.
- To attempt to bring every micro, small and medium enterprise within the membership fold of the GSIA.
- To promote and maintain co-operation among the individual members of the GSIA.
- To establish and promote effective Liaison between the GSIA on one hand and Govt., Local bodies, the public and society at large on the other.
- To make representations to the Government, Union or State and other authorities, corporations and other bodies on matters affecting the interest of the members; micro, small and medium enterprises including service enterprises and public at large.
- To provide facilities for exchange of information and opinion of interest to micro, small and medium enterprises including service enterprises and public at large.
- To organize exhibitions and to undertake studies, surveys and study tours and research projects and training programmes for the benefit of the members and public at large.
- To further the cause of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises including service enterprises by holding consultations with Union and State Government and other bodies.
Also see: About GSIA > Aims and Objectives, Brief History, News Magazine, External Membership, Executive Committee, Co-ordination Committee, Advisory Committee