Announces a Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for a Safe and Sustainable Business

Annouces a Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for a Safe and Sustainable business; – Rush your registrations now!!!!
To Safeguard Life, Property and the Environment

This 1 day workshop focuses on balanced & sustainable business growth & expansion
In line with our Vision “Global Impact for a safe and Sustainable Future”, we would like to partner with organizations in implementing Sustainable Business Practices. As a first step in this regard we are conducting an Awareness Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for a safe & sustainable business.

Corporate Social Responsibility enjoins corporate philanthropy and if built into the strategic intent of the company is bound to enhance both organizational and stakeholder value. CSR is about how businesses align their values and behaviour with the expectations and needs of stakeholders – not just customers and investors, but also employees, suppliers, communities, regulators, special interest groups and SOCIETY as a whole. CSR describes a company’s commitment to be accountable to its stakeholders.

Managers, Plant engineers, Officers, HR Professionals, Corporate Communicators, Risk Managers, EHS professionals and Management representatives.

Duration: 1 day
Time: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Language: English

Course Fees:
INR 4,500/- (inclusive of service tax). For group registration of two or more delegates the fees is INR 3,500/- per delegate.

Payment:Alongwith registration through a cheque in favour of Det Norske Veritas AS.
Dates: Mar 2008 06 J.W.Marriott, Juhu Tara Road, Juhu, Mumbai – 400 049

Book course:
To register for this course online, click on the link Registration.
For a downloadable copy of the registration form, click on the link Training Booking Form (doc). The filled up form can then be sent to us by fax/ mail.

For further details, please visit our DNV Training website

Course Organiser:
Location Course Organiser
DNV Mumbai Certification Services Ms. Shiraz Makhania
Det Norske Veritas AS, 201-D, Poonam Chambers, ‘A’ Wing, 2nd Floor, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018
Tel: +91 22 66606639 / 66606640 / 66606641; Mobile: 09940320729; Fax: +91 22 66606642
Email: [email protected]

DNV Chennai Certification Services Mr. Karthik Ramaswamy
Det Norske Veritas AS, 15 / 1, Mc Nichols Road, Chetpet, Chennai – 600 031.
Tel: +91 44 43980853/ 43980855; Mob: +91 9940320729;
Email: [email protected]


Reschedule of Timing of Pay Offices at Bicholim, Mapusa, Karaswada

Reschedule of Timing of Pay Offices at Bicholim, Mapusa, Karaswada.Letter received from Shri M. Dorai, Assistant Director, ESIC, Panaji Regional Office.

It has been decided to reschedule the timing of pay office at Bicholim, Mapusa and Karaswada as follows:
1. Pay Office Bicholim: Every Wednesday between 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.
2. Pay Office Mapusa: Every Wednesday between 12.30 to 1.00 p.m.
3. Pay Office Karaswada: Every Wednesday between 1.00 to 2.00 p.m.
This has been done following demand of a few employers to change the timing of pay office during lunch hour to enable their employees to avail cash benefit during lunch hour without effecting their work.

The new timing will be effective from 30/1/2008.

Enterprises may kindly take note of the same.

Census of covered/ coverable factories/establishments under the ESIC scheme

Employees State Insurance Corporation, Regioanl Office, Patto Panaji-Goa.
Letter received from Shri S.M. Mohideen, Regional Director.

Sub: Census of covered/ coverable factories/establishments under the ESIC scheme.

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation has engaged the services of M/s. Sai Life Care, Kothambi Pali Goa which is an NGO for conducting census of factories & establishments, including educational institutions, private hospitals & nursing homes in the State of Goa in talukas where the ESI Scheme is implemented. The census is for the purpose of having statistical information and database regarding factories/ establishments covered/ coverable under the ESI Act in the implemented areas and to get feedback from the employers regarding the services being provided by us in our endeavour to improve our services. The census will be carried out during the months of February & March 2008.

Members are request to co-operate with the census enumerators and provide them with the information requested by them.

Your co-operation in the matter will be highly appreciated.

National Awards – 2007 for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises .

Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), Office of the Development Commissioner, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi has announced National Awards – 2007 to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) for the following categories;

1. For Outstanding efforts in entrepreneurship.
2. For Research & Development Efforts in Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
3. For Quality Products in the Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs).

Interested Enterprises may contact GSIA office, 4th Floor, GIDC House, Patto Plaza, Panaji-Goa for the Application forms alongwith details of the awards/ instructions.

“Infranet 08” – A Blueprint for Building North

“Infranet 08” – A Blueprint for Building North
Wednesday, 13 February 2008 : Kamal Mahal, Maurya Sheraton, New Delhi

India’s Eleventh Plan has set a nationwide target of USD 575 billion as the spending need for infrastructure. A sizeable portion of that will be needed by the states of North India, where infrastructure has to improve quickly to make it easier for businesses to operate and for people to live and work.

Across all the sectors of infrastructure and across all constituencies, “infrastructure” is the one-word mantra to faster growth.

As you may be aware, CII has been focusing on various issues pertaining to infrastructure over the years through its flagship event ‘Infranet’. This year with its focus on Infrastructure across the Northern Region, CII Infrastructure and Urban Development Sub–Committee in association with Feedback Ventures as the Knowledge Partner is organising a one-day Conference – Infranet 08 scheduled for Wednesday, 13 February 08 from 1000 hrs (Registration : 0915 hrs) to 1800 hrs at the Kamal Mahal, Maurya Sheraton, Sardar Patel Marg, New Delhi.

The problems in infrastructure are well known. What is not so well-known is replicable solutions from government agencies and private providers that have worked in another part of the country.

The objective of the conference is to find sustainable solutions and answers that facilitate coordinated investment by both the private and government sectors. Sector-by-sector, the sessions will explore what has worked, and how to replicate it. The event would focus on some critical issues like energy, urban development, and transport.

I am writing to you to take advantage of this unique Conference. A brief program overview is attached for your ready reference. You are requested to confirm your company’s participation through the enclosed Reply form.

Kind regards,

Yours sincerely,
Gopal Sarma
Conference Chairman


For further details kindly get in touch with the undersigned
Narindar Pal Kaur
Confederation of Indian Industry (Northern Region)
Sub-Regional Office
Plot No.249-F, Sector 18
Udyog Vihar, Phase -IV
Gurgaon 122 015
Tel: 0124-4014060-67 extn.362
Fax: 0124-4014070
Email: [email protected]

Please consider the environment before printing

Reach us via our Membership Helpline (Monday-Saturday: 0900-1715 hrs)
Dial: +91-11-435-46244/+91-99104-46244
Email: [email protected]

Ms Narindar Pal Kaur
Confederation of Indian Industry
(Northern Region) – Sub-Regional Office
Plot No.249-F, Sector 18
Udyog Vihar, Phase IV
Gurgaon 122 015
Tel : 0124 – 401 4072 (D) / 401 4060 – 67
Fax : 0124 – 401 4070
E-Mail : [email protected]
Infranet 08
A Blueprint for Building North
Wednesday, 13 February 2008 : Kamal Mahal, Maurya Sheraton, New Delhi

A) DELEGATE FEE : Rs 2000/- per person

The following persons will attend the Conference as delegate(s) :

Name Designation
1._____________________________ _____________________________
2._____________________________ _____________________________
3._____________________________ _____________________________
4._____________________________ _____________________________
5._____________________________ _____________________________

B) Participation Fee

Our demand draft / cheque No. ____________ dated _______ for Rs. _________ drawn in favour of CII (Northern Region) payable at Chandigarh is enclosed.

Name : _______________________________________
Designation : _______________________________________
Organisation : _______________________________________
Address : _______________________________________
Phone : _______________________________________
Fax : _______________________________________
Email : _______________________________________

C) sponsorship options

I would be interested to sponsor the above Conference YES / NO

Companies sponsoring 3 or more delegates will be offered 10% discount on the elegate fee
Delegate fee is non-refundable and change in nomination is acceptable
Discounts and registrations are valid only if payment in made before commencement of the Conference.

Workshop on “Import Export Documentation – Best Practices”

Workshop on “Import Export Documentation – Best Practices”
15-16 February 2008: CMA Tower, Auditorium, A-2E, Sector-24, NOIDA

Confederation of Indian Industry is pleased to announce a Two Days Workshop on Import Export Documentation – Best Practices on 15 – 16 February 2008 at CMA Auditorium, Noida.

Imports and Exports involve heavy documentation. The banks deal in documentation and not goods. The licensing authorities grant licenses or disburse incentives on the basis of documents. The customs allow clearances on the basis of documents. The buyers or sellers abroad need precise documents or need precise instructions regarding documents. Indeed, most performances have to be documented accurately.

The trouble with documentation is that quite often, what is done cannot be undone. For example, amending a customs document after clearance is next to impossible. It is difficult to retrieve documents transmitted to banks or buyers or sellers. So, there is every need to do it right the first time.

This Workshop has been uniquely designed on the basis of needs and requirement of the organizations engaged in Import Export. The details of the programme are as follows:

Date : Friday – Saturday, 15-16 February 2008
Time : 0900 hrs – 1715 hrs
Venue: Auditorium, CMA Tower, A-2E, Sector-24, Noida- 201301

* To appraise the participants about the documentation requirements at various stages of various agencies like licensing authorities, banks, customs and excise.
* To aid the corporate managers review and improve their documentation systems
* To help the corporate executives prepare zero-defect documents.

For whom
The programme is intended to benefit corporate managers and executives dealing with imports and exports, Systems Managers, entrepreneurs, customs house agents and service providers dealing with imports and exports.

Topics to be Covered

* The purpose of Documents
o Understanding the legal basis – importance
o Updating legal provisions/changes

* Planning the documentation
o Using technology

* Writing Documentation Manual
o Preparing Dockets

* Preparing Import Documents
o Basic Requirements
o Documents and Declarations – for licenses
o Documents and Declarations – for LCs
o Documents and Declarations – for Customs clearance

* Preparing Export Documents
o Getting factory stuffing permissions
o Checking the Orders and LCs
o Pre-shipment Documents
o Excise Documents
o Post shipment Documents
o LC documents
o Documents under various export promotion schemes

* Maintaining Inventory of errors
* Sharing information
* Best Practices – training and attitudes
* Preparing and using checklists – exercise

Mr. T.N.C. Rajagopalan, a former manager of State Bank, is a consultant dealing with imports and exports, since 1982. He advises a number of well known companies on various regulatory aspects relating to imports and exports and also has vast experience in dealing with a large number of entrepreneurs.

Members / Non-members are requested to take advantage of this unique programme by registering / nominating suitable persons from the organisation. Please note as limited number of seats are available, prior registration is necessary. The registration would be on first come first serve basis. Kindly fill in the below registration form (duly filled) to confirm your participation latest by 12th February 2007.

Looking forward to receiving your response.

Kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Amitabh Nangia
For further details please contact
Neeraj Bajpai
Western U.P. Zonal Office, CII
CMA Tower
A-2E, Mezzanine Floor
Sector-24, Noida
Tel-0120-4345973(D); 4345972 / 74
Mobile:- 9971108134
E-mail: [email protected]
Reach us via our Membership Helpline (Monday-Saturday: 0900-1715 hrs)
Dial: +91-11-435-46244/+91-99104-46244
Email: [email protected]


Neeraj Bajpai
Confederation of Indian Industry
Western U. P. Zonal Office
CMA Tower.
A-2E, Mezzanine Floor Sector-24
Noida (U.P.) 201 301
Tel: 0120 – 434 5973(D) / 72 & 74/ 423 1957
Mobile: 9971108134, 9818523517
Fax: 0120 – 434 5970
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Workshop on Import Export Documentation – Best Practices
15-16 February 2008: CMA Tower, Auditorium, A-2E, Sector-24, NOIDA

Participation Fee:
Rs.5000/- per delegate (CII Members)
Rs.6000/- per delegate (Non-Members)

Name Designation

1. ____________________________ ________________________________
2. ____________________________ ________________________________
3. ____________________________ ________________________________
4. ____________________________ ________________________________
5. ____________________________ ________________________________
6. ____________________________ ________________________________
We are enclosing our Demand Draft no.________________ for Rs._______________ towards the participation fee, favouring CII (Northern Region) payable at Chandigarh.
Name : ___________________________________________
Designation : ___________________________________________
Organisation : ___________________________________________
Address : ___________________________________________
: ___________________________________________
Phone : ___________________________________________
Fax : ___________________________________________
Email : ___________________________________________

Companies nominating 3 or more delegates will be entitled to a 10% discount on the delegate fee.
Participation fee is non-refundable. However, change in nomination is acceptable
SSI’s would be given an additional discount of 15% on the delegate fee.


Saturday, 9 February 2008, 0900 hrs – 1700 hrs: Conference Hall, CMA Tower, Sector-24, Noida – 201301

The basic management objective for a corporate is to recognize its responsibilities as entrepreneur and devote itself to the progress and development of society and the well being of people through its business activities, thereby enhancing the quality of life throughout the world. Progress and development can only be realized through the combined efforts and cooperation of each employee of the company. Mr. Konosuke Matsushita made observations along these lines, as a young boy, which have matured into a philosophy that has withstood the test of time to provide a corporate tradition which is with us, to this day.

Against this backdrop the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organizing a day long Training Programme on “Success Principles: The Matsushita Way”. The objective of the workshop is to learn to develop and strengthen all the organizations’ resources to provide goods and services that so benefit the customer that you can conquer markets and the competition.

Mr. Vijay Batra, the renowned Corporate Trainer from Think Inc. is the faculty for the programme. His profile is attached for your kind reference.

Who Should Attend:
Professionals from Middle Management to Higher Management.
Head of departments /Managers from all functional areas.

Training Methodology
Thought provoking Lectures aided by power point slides
Talk on ‘How’ and ‘Why’ of the topics
Experience Sharing through case studies
Relevant Video clips
Discussion to create a higher level of sensitization and
Understanding, enabling the participants to implement the changes
Self-assessment Questionnaires

We request you to take advantage of this unique opportunity by nominating the concerned officials from your organization in large numbers. The workshop would be held on 9th February 2008 from 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs at the Conference Hall, CMA Tower, Sector-24, Noida – 201301. For the programme schedule and the nomination form kindli visit

Kindly confirm your nominations latest by 5th February 2008. Look forward to an early response.

With warm regards,

Yours sincerely,
Deepak Malik
CII Uttar Pradesh State Council


For further details and participation please contact:

Supriya Misra
Confederation of Indian Industry
(Northern Region)
Uttar Pradesh State Office
Plot A, Vibhuti Khand,
Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow – 226 010
Ph: 0522 – 2721950 – 52
Fax: 0522 – 2721953
Email: [email protected]


Global Business Leaders Forum: Masters of the Future

Global Business Leaders Forum: Masters of the Future : Building Responsible World Class Corporations
18 – 19 February 2008: Regal Room, The Hilton Towers, Nariman Point, Mumbai, India

We are happy to inform you that Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in partnership with Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) is hosting the 2nd Annual Global Business Leaders Forum on 18 – 19 February 2008 at Hilton Towers, Mumbai.

With increased global economic activity and foreseeable future trends, Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) had undertaken an initiative to highlight and ascertain future business realities. The forum last year, was thus an attempt to deliberate on issues faced by organizations in an era of globalization such as competition, changing paradigms, emerging economic perspectives, new approaches to global trade etc.

With developing economies assuming and undertaking various positions of responsibilities in the global business arena, the 2nd Global Business Leaders Forum would highlight the role of future leaders from emerging economies. Towards the end, it wishes to address some pertinent questions of determining various approaches to world investment flows, the concept of reverse globalization, unlocking the potentialities of human capital, effects of climate change and sustainable development.

As India, one of the key emerging economies of the new world, is in a phase of transition and rapid globalization, the forum would aid organisations strategize for providing a conducive environment towards showcasing the various initiatives undertaken by the corporate sector in terms of leadership, planning, innovation and building its global footprint.

On behalf of CII, I extend to you a very cordial invitation to participate at this Forum. You may kindly confirm your participation through the attached reply form. In case of your unavailability, kindly consider nominating your colleagues to attend the Forum.

I look forward to your positive response.

Sandhya Satwadi

Regional Director
Confederation of Indian Industry – WR
105 Kakad Chambers
132 Annie Besant Road, Worli
Mumbai 400 018
Phone: 91-22-2493 1790 Extn. 421
Fax: 91-22-2493 9463 / 2494 5831
Website: /


Global Business Leaders Forum: Masters of the Future :
Building Responsible World Class Corporations
18 – 19 February 2008: Regal Room, The Hilton Towers, Nariman Point, Mumbai, India

Delegate Fee:
CII Large / Medium / SSI Members / Non-Members  Rs 9999/-

15% discount for 3 or more nominations from the same organization
25% discount for 5 or more nominations from the same organization

Our organisation will be represented by:
Name Designation Email ID Mobile No

_____________________ __________________ __________________ _______________

_____________________ __________________ __________________ _______________

_____________________ __________________ __________________ _______________
(Please use additional sheets for more nominations)
Our cheque no. / demand draft no. ______________ for Rs __________________ drawn in favour of Confederation of Indian Industry, payable in Mumbai is enclosed.

Organisation : _________________________________________________________________

Address : _________________________________________________________________

Tel : ___________________ Extn : _________ Fax : __________________________

Industry Sector : _____________________________ Web : ___________________________

Countries of Business Interest : ____________________________________________________

General Rules :
Pre-registration and pre-payment is necessary
Delegate Fee is non-refundable, however changes in nominations are accepted.

Mail / Fax / Email to :
Ms Monalisa Fernandes
Confederation of Indian Industry-Western Region, 105, Kakad Chambers, 132, Dr Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018
Tel : 022 2493 1790 Extn. 421
Fax : 022 2493 9463 / 2494 5831
Email : [email protected]

For further details you may visit : /