12 – 13 FEBRUARY 2008:
Two of the world’s leading offset organisations have joined hands with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to plan a topical offset conference on Indian offsets, to take place just prior to the DEFEXPO INDIA 2008 (www.defexpoindia08.com) in New Delhi.
The Global Offset and Countertrade Association (G.O.C.A.) has in its membership the largest defence corporations in the USA and Europe, while the Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA) in the UK represents the British Defence Industry, and has over 620 leading British defence, police and public security companies within its membership.
The organisers expect that the Indian Regional Offset Conference 2008 will build on the acknowledged success of GICC’04, GICC’06 and MEROC’07. IROC 2008 will take place at the Hotel Inter Continental The Grand New Delhi between 12 – 13 February 2008. Presentations will be held on 13 February 2008 and will be of a similarly high quality and over-arching nature as those of GICC and MEROC. There will be a welcome reception the evening before on 12 February 2008.
The Ministry of Defence, Government of India envisages spending well over US $30 Bn for the acquisition of military hardware and software during the period 2007 – 2012. The Ministry of Defence also introduced a requirement for overseas companies to fulfil mandatory offset obligations across much of the MoD’s planned procurement. In addition, the Government of India has made, or is planning to make, large civil procurements. Aircraft purchases by Air India have already created large offset obligations for civil aircraft primes.
The agenda will meet different requirements of attendees. International OEMs and subcontractors will learn about Indian procurement and offsets (defence and civil), while local Indian industry will learn how offsets can support their sales efforts and how to work with foreign sellers, especially OEMs. All will be able to compare various offset strategies from different countries. Lastly the Conference will provide an ideal networking opportunity.
CII cordially invites you to participate in this International Conference. Companies are also invited to participate through ‘Table Displays’ to exhibit their company posters, brochures and any other literature. Please visit www.ciidefence.com/events for downloading the registration form and other details.
S Niyogi
Deputy Director General
Confederation of Indian IndustryIndia Habitat CentreCore 4A, 4th FloorLodi RoadNew Delhi – 110 003T: +91 11 41504514 – 19F: +91 11 24682229URL: www.ciidefence.com