‘India – The Big Picture’ Conference

CII has intimated vide email dated 21st Nov. 2008 about organising
‘India – The Big Picture’ Conference
22 November 2008, Grande Sala, Cidade de Goa, Goa, India

“New Dreams, New Directions”
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has been driving several initiatives to promote the Indian Entertainment industry under India-The Big Picture brand. To facilitate the growth and development of the Indian Film Industry, we have been organizing the Annual Conference: India–The Big Picture in partnership with the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, concurrent to IFFI in Goa for the last 4 years.

The Conference, over the years, has been able to project India as a shooting destination, promote the strength of the Indian Film Industry, and bring to light the issues, trends and new developments of this industry.

This year, the Conference is scheduled on 22nd November 2008 (Saturday), at Resort Cidade de Goa, Goa and coincides with the 39th International Film Festival of India (IFFI).

Some of the key areas that the Conference will focus on will be innovation in entertainment, digital revolution, new technologies & emergence of new revenue streams in the Entertainment industry. The Conference will provide a platform to project India as a global platform for Entertainment Business and will bring forth participation of film producers, exhibitors, distributors, post-production companies, film institutes, film funding bodies, venture capitalists, marketing and communication strategists and industry leaders.

A programme outline and reply form are available at GSIA office.


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