• Make valuable business contacts
  • Develop sound public relations – On National & International Levels
  • Single window information service
  • Information on all International Trade Fairs
  • Access to GSIAs publications, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops etc.
  • Participate in the Associations Elections

See also additional services for additional benefits.

Any Small Scale/ Tiny Industry and Small Scale Business Enterprises (SSBE) so registered with the Directorate of Industries Government of Goa is eligible to become a member of GSIA.

Membership shall be open to the following:
a) to all small industries
b) to all enterprises in small industries in Goa
c) to the sympathizers

A member including the life member may be expelled by vote of general meeting if:
a) he is a persistent defaulter
b) he wllfu1ly deceives the association
c) he is bankrupt or convicted by court for insolvency or moral turpitude
d) he intentionally does any act likely to injure the credit and interest of the Association

Membership with the association ceases:
a) on death or on winding up of Industrial Unit
b) on acceptance of resignation by Executive committee
c) on expulsion
d) on non-payment of annual membership

There shall be no limit to the number of members of the Association.
The admission to all members shall be on the prescribed form of application and acceptance by the executive committee. The committee shall have absolute discretion to accept or reject any application without ‘assigning’ any reason whatsoever. Member shall on admission be notified thereof by the Secretary and be furnished with a copy of the rules and regulations of the Association, to which he shall be deemed to have agreed.

Membership Form
Download the GSIA Membership Form PDF Document (149 KB)