National Awards for Research’& Development Effort in Small Scale Industries -2006

No. l0(3)/2006-E&T
Government of India
Ministry of Small Scale Industry
Office of the Development Commissioner
Small Scale Industries

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-ll0 0ll
Dated: 12th March, 2007

The Secretary (Industries)
All State Governments/ UTs.

Subject: National Awards for Research’& Development Effort in Small Scale Industries -2006

1. A scheme for giving away National Awards to Small Scale Units to encourage and honour in- house Research & Development Effort has been operating for the year 1999. The objective of the scheme is to promote the spirit of innovative vision and ambition for producing new products of greater utility adopting better techniques of quality production for higher societal relevance, through in house R&D effort.

2. The awards First, Second arid the Third are to be conferred every calendar year on suitable small scale industries/ entrepreneurs carrying besides a certificate and trophy, a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/-, Rs. 75,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- respectively. .

3. All Small Scale Industries permanently registered as SSI with Directorate of Industries of State/UTs and are in continuous production for at least last four years prior to the year of Award are eligible to be considered for the award on presentation ofthe existence relevant details as prescribed in the enclosed proforma.

4. For consideration to ensure SSI status of the unit notifications/orders issued by SSI Board (copies for ready reference at GSIA office) may be kept in view.

5. The selection of the suitable awardees is made through a two tier system (a) initial recommendation by the State/ UT Level Selection Committee (SLSC). The composition of SLSC is as follows.
(i) The Secretary, Dept. of Industries of State/ UT – Chairman
(ii) State Director ofIndustries – Member
(iii) Director, CSIR Laboratory of the State/neighboring region – Member
(iv) Director, National Productivity Council of the State – Member
(v) Director of the RegionaVGovt. Engg. College – Member
(vi) Scientist incharge of Polytechnology Transfer Centre in the State Member
(vii) Representatives of the State Level Small Industries Association Member
(viii) Director,. Small Industries Service Institute – Member Convener
(b) Final selection by the National Level Selection Committee.

6. Two copies of the scheme, with relevant details, prescribed application forms, Criteria & Proforma for Evaluation and awarding marks (Form Z) are available at GSIA office for your immediate reference and use. It is desired that widest possible publicity to the scheme may be given through available media and other promotional agencies including circulation to Industries Associations and Voluntary Agencies.

7. SLSC should scrutinize applications received based on the criteria prescribed particularly ensuring that the applicants have provided necessary documentary evidence in support ofthier claims, which are relevant to the year of the award. While recommending the names for National Award, it should institute such inquiries as may be necessary to satisfy themselves that the entrepreneur has been abiding by all necessary statutory requiremcnts, maintaining proper documentation and is also not involved in any economic other offence for which enq uiryllegal action is pending.

8. Last Date for receiving the applications by SISIs is 30th May 2007.

9. Appraised application forms (in duplicate) in order of merit in respect of eligible units from the State/U.T. duly recommended by the SLSC should be sent along with the marks on the format for Criteria and Proforma-Form Z (in duplicate) for evaluation and awarding marks. Only those applications which get 60% or above marks (bench mark for eligibility) need be sent for consideration of National Level Selection Committee, to the Office of the Development Commissioner (Small Scale Industries), Ministry of SSI, Govt. of India, 7th Floor, Nirman Bhavan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi-l1 0011 latest by 30th June, 2007.

Yours faithfully,



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