Significant activities of office of DC (MSME) during OCTOBER 2007. IMPORTANT MEETINGS:
The 14 th meeting of Steering Committee of MSECDP was held on 1 October, 2007 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (MSME). In the meeting, proposals for intervention in various modes in 131 Clusters were approved. Approval of implementation of 7 Common Facility Centres were also approved in the meeting besides organising of training programmes.
Status of the implementation of the “Package for Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises” has been circulated to Secretary Industries/Director of Industries of All States/UTs, Directors of all MSME-DIs, MSME National/State Level Associations and others as per the mailing list. The information was also placed on the website of the Ministry (
Secretary (MSME) chaired a meeting on “Investment climate capacity enhancement for development of MSMEs in Uttar Pradesh” on 26 October 2007. AS&DC (MSME), Principal Secretary (SSI) and Director of Industries, Govt. of U.P. and Dy. Director (MSME Policy) attended the meeting. In the meeting a concept paper prepared on the subject by the Government of U. P. was discussed. It was decided that Principal Secretary (SSI) Govt. of Uttar Pradesh will submit a revised concept paper on the basis of the discussions held.
iv) Towards implementation of National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme for the MSME Sector, EFC meetings for the following schemes were held during this month:-
a) Setting up of 15 new Mini Tool Rooms
b) Building Awareness on IPR
c) Technology and Quality Upgradation Support for SMEs.
The schemes have been approved by the respective EFCs
(i) Joint Secretary & Addl. Development Commissioner chaired a Meeting on 18.10.2007 with the heads of Technical Divisions of the office of DC (MSME) on revision of the list of items reserved for exclusive manufacture in small scale sector .
(ii) AS&DC (MSME) was a member of the Ministerial delegation led by the Hon’ble Minister (MSME) to the Asia Europe Small and Medium Enterprises (ASEM-SME) Ministerial Meeting held on 30 and 31 October 2007. At the conclusion of the Meeting a joint declaration was released to enhance dialogue among Govt. authorities responsible for SMEs development, improve the innovative capacity and competitiveness of SMEs, promote the development of SME industrial cultures, facilitate SME economy and trade cooperation among ASEM member countries in a more pragmatic approach.
MSME – DIs and autonomous bodies under DC (MSME) conducted 61 Skill Development Programmes, 73 Entrepreneurship Development Programmes, 77 Motivational Campaigns and 35 Management Development Programmes in which 10293 persons were trained.
(i) Autonomous bodies working under DC (MSME) provided assistance in designing and manufacturing tools, metrology and quality control services to 28 small-scale industries.
(ii) 160 jobs undertaken from 143 units by the autonomous bodies under DC (MSME).
Under ISO 9000 Reimbursement Scheme during the year an amount of Rs. 2.77 crore has been reimbursed to 667 MSME units so far.