FSIA is launching a new Cluster Programme aimed at “SMEs BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & Financing” for “Light Engineering and auto-component manufacturing SMEs” in collaboration with German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), officially known as Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH.

Formal signing and launch of the Cluster Programme is on 21st November 2007. The programme aims to assist Auto Component and Light Engineering manufacturing member companies of FSIA and the supply chain thereof, to develop and grow their businesses both domestically as well as internationally, to help them export their products, to promote enhanced access of financial and non-financial services by companies to achieve greater competitiveness by developing a work plan to attain objectives of the project. The interventions and support programmes include:

a. Working with the partner bank & a pool of financial advisers to enhance access to finance for the different units in the value chain.

b. Value Chain Development

c. Technology up gradation

d. Market Development & Business Linkages Programme

e. Productivity – Efficiency – Quality Improvement

f. Awareness and adoption of new IT / software products

g. Development of Market based Business Development Services where there is lack of quality or quantity

h. Attract consultants/ trainers/ mentors to provide Business Development Services to the cluster/value chain project

i. Support consultants/ trainers in developing adequate service offers and in marketing their services to the cluster members and value chain entrepreneurs

j. Assist partner banks in developing new financial products & services demanded by the cluster members

k. FSIA improve its products, reach ,service portfolio and strategic plans for the benefit of members

Formal launching of this “Business Development Cluster for Auto-component and Light Engineering SMEs” shall be as follows:

Date: 21st November 2007 (Wednesday)
Time: 4.30 pm
Venue: Hotel Millenium, Near Shubham Plaza, Neelam-Bata Road, NIT Faridabad

The Cluster shall be funded and subsidised by German Technical Cooperation (GTZ).

FSIA cordially invites you to join the programme.

With warm regards,
Rajiv Chawla
Faridabad Small Industries Association
Camp Off : 3-B-23, B.P., NIT Faridabad- 121001
FSIA Off : FSIA Park, Opp. Plot No.23, Sector- 24,Faridabad- 121005, Haryana, India Ph: +91-129-2414468, 2422750 Fax: +91-129-4055501
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