06 December 2007: Hotel Accord Metropolitan: Chennai
Indian Commodity market is all set for a paradigm shift with sweeping changes that have been announced for this emerging sector. It is featured amongst the world’s top three bullion exchanges and top four energy exchanges. Today these markets are empowering the stakeholders associated with the primary sector of the economy, which covers 20% over of our GDP and 70% of population. It also creates new rural investment and employment opportunity through backward integration of the supply chain.
By its sheer size and turnover, the Indian commodities offers unparalleled growth opportunities and advantages to a large cross section of participants including Producers, Traders, Corporate, Regional Trading Centers, Importers, Exporters, Cooperatives, Industry Associations, amongst others – clearly, the lifeline of the Nations Economy.
As you may be aware, the underlying economic purpose of a Commodity Future Exchange as a market place is to enable commodity producers to sell their produce in advance to protect them against possible price fall for those commodities and allow consumers – traders, processors and exporters to buy in advance to protect against possible increase.
CII Tamil Nadu State Council in its efforts to foster the growth of a Competitive, Inclusive & Innovative industrial activity is organizing a TN Conference on Commodity Markets with the theme ‘Leveraging Markets: Spearheading Growth’ on 06 December 2007 in Hotel Accord Metropolitan, Chennai to enable industry and relevant stakeholders to participate and benefit from this growth phase.
The Conference would focus on the following product areas
Bullion (Gold, Silver)
Energy (Crude Oil, Natural Oil and Furnace Oil)
Base Metals (Aluminium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Iron, Steel, Tin and Zinc)
Agro Markets and more.
Benefits to Industry from futures trading
* Hedging the price risk associated with futures contractual commitments.
* Efficient price discovery prevents seasonal price volatility.
* Greater flexibility, certainty and transparency in procuring commodities would aid bank lending.
* Facilitate informed lending.
* Hedged positions of producers and processors would reduce the risk of default faced by banks.
* Lending for agricultural sector would go up with greater transparency in pricing and storage.
* Commodity Exchanges to act as distribution network to retail agri-finance from banks to rural households.
* Provide trading limit finance to Traders in commodities Exchanges.
Who should participate
* Industry Representatives
* Finance & Taxation Professionals
* Exporters of commodities
* Importers of commodities
* Bankers
* Commodity Advisers
* Agro related businesses
* Commodity Agents
* Warehouse Providers
* Commodity Delivery Agents
* Logistic Providers
* Retail Professionals
* Industrial Consultants
* FMCG related businesses
* Affiliated Associations & Policy Makers
* Academia & Research organizations
Eminent speakers from Forward Markets Commission (FMC), MCX India, Tanishq, Wartsila India, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL), Godrej Agrovet Ltd, Bank of India, HDFC Bank, Ashok Leyland, Bombay Metal Exchange (BME), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD), ITC Ltd among other experts have been invited to address this conference.
I am writing to cordially invite you to participate/ nominate senior colleagues from your organization to this important conference on 06 December 2007, Hotel Accord Metropolitan, Chennai.
Please send in your nominations through the enclosed reply form.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Gopal Srinivasan
Chairman – CII Tamil Nadu
Reply Form
TN Conference on Commodity Markets
‘Theme: Leveraging Markets; Spearheading Growth ’
06 December 2007, Hotel Accord Metropolitan, Chennai
Our organization will be represented by:
S.No Name Designation Email/ Mobile
1. ___________ ___________ _______________
2. ___________ ____________ _______________
3. __________ ___________ _______________
4. ___________ ___________ _______________
5. ___________ ___________ ______________
Delegate Fee (Per Participant)
MSME: Rs 1000/-
Large: Rs 1500/-
*Delegate fee is non-refundable. But, change in nomination is acceptable
Note: For three and more nominations, you can avail a discount of 10% on the total delegate fee.
The Cheque / DD for Rs ________ favouring “Confederation of Indian Industry”, payable at Chennai is enclosed / being sent.
Name :_________________Designation: _______________
Company: _____________________________________
Address : ______________________________
Phone : ____________________ Fax: __________________
Email : _______________________________
Please complete & mail/ fax to:
Mr Rajeev Naag
Tamil Nadu State Office, Confederation of Indian Industry
98/1, Velacherry Main Road, Guindy, Chennai – 600032
M: 98409 38850, E: [email protected]
Phone: 044 – 42 444 555 (Ext 542), Fax: 044 – 42 444 510