13 February 2009: India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi

CII National Committee on Skills, Human Resources & Industrial Relations in association with Optima Wellness is organising a Workshop on “WELLNESS FOR YOU” on 13 February 2009 at India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003.

Wellness is the ideal balance of physically fit body and a relaxed productive mind. This balance is very important in today’s competitive global scenario because the number of executives facing drastic increases in chronic diseases known as lifestyle diseases. These diseases include diabetes type 2, heart disease, cancers, obesity, chronic fatigue syndrome and stress related disorders.

Statistics show that:
• India is the #1 country in the world in diabetes
• Obesity can triple the risk of lifestyle diseases like heart disease, diabetes and hypertension
• We are also the # 1 country in heart disease, 3 years ahead of WHO’s prediction
• According to WHO, 60% of the deaths due to heart disease in the world are going to be in India
• Indians have a genetic predisposition to heart disease; 3 times higher than the Europeans and 6 times higher than the Chinese
• The prevalence of heart disease among Indian executives is 10 years ahead of their western counterparts
• 2 out of 8 heart attacks are happening in the age group below 40, and 1 out of 8 is in the below 30 category

Many studies document that workers who are stressed, unhappy and unhealthy have a significantly greater chance of becoming ill. As stress increases the number of sick days and down time, the cost of delays and missed deadlines will decrease profitability. When employees fall sick companies suffer financially. As the stress levels to produce better and increased performance from employees mount every day, employee burnout will increase and productivity will decline.

Employee performance is of paramount importance in today’s competitive environment. This workshop focuses on the health and productivity of the workforce and help companies realize significant gains over short term and long term.

Topics for Workshop:
Group discussion of wellness and the audience’s perception
How wellness affects the corporate scenario
How to fit exercise into your busy day? Is 15 minutes too much?
Eating habits and how it affects you
Office food: is it really as healthy as we think? Are there healthier alternatives?
Stress management is more than yoga and meditation
Do you require supplements and how to determine if you do
Are you suffering from hormonal imbalances and how to treat them
Strategies to look and feel younger as you age
Strategies to prevent Lifestyle Disease
Strategies to treat Lifestyle Disease
Exercises which can be done in the office set-up
Is it possible to save money on medical bills?
Actual case studies

A copy of the brochure and the reply form is available at GSIA office. The Lunch menu will be along the lines of the Optima Wellness Program.


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