Acts / Rules which are applicable to all units in the State of Goa irrespective of the product & number of employees.
1. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act).
2. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Rules, 2006.
3. The Goa Value Added Tax Act, 2005 (Goa Act of 2005).
4. The Goa Value Added Tax Rules, 2005.
5. Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
6. Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
7. The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986.
8. The Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989.
9. The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956.
10. The Goa Shops & Establishment Act, 1973.
11. The Minimum Wage Act, 1948.
12. The Goa Minimum Wages Rules, 1975.
13.Registration with local authorities. i.e. with Municipalities/ Panchayats.