7 May 2008: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Increased competitiveness with an environment of rapid technological innovation and change has compelled organisations to focus, optimise and improve their methods of “Training and Retraining”. This assumes great significance in the present times when efforts are made at continuous learning and also at an efficient use of human capital. The challenge is to achieve organisational goals along with the employees’ professional and personal growth.

I am writing to advise that CII is organizing a one-day Seminar on Best Practices on Training and Retraining on 7 May 2008 at India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi –110 003. The Seminar would provide the participants an opportunity to learn and study the Successful Practices on Training and Retraining adopted by successful organisations for greater productivity and competitiveness.

The Sessions would be based on Experiential Sharing of Best Practices and would be most useful for professionals who are responsible for Training in their Organisations.

A copy of the Draft Programme is attached.

I am writing to request you to attend this Seminar as well as nominate concerned officials. Please confirm your participation through the attached Reply Form. A nominal fee of Rs 3,500/- per delegate has been kept to cover the administrative costs. An early bird discount of 10% has been kept for nominations received before 2 May 2008. An additional discount of 10% will also be given for more than two nominations.

We look forward to receiving your confirmation.

Kind regards,

B Santhanam
CII National Committee on HR & IR / ER

7 May 2008: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

DRAFT programme

0900 hrs – 0930 hrs

0930 hrs – 1000 hrs
Opening Session

1000 hrs – 1030 hrs
Presentation on Training and Retraining Initiatives –
Concept, Practices & Impact
Dr David Tai
Head – Learning

1030 hrs – 1100 hrs

1100 hrs – 1130 hrs
Tea / Coffee

1130 hrs – 1210 hrs
Training and Retraining Initiatives
Consumer Durables
Mr Vinet Kaul
Executive Director & Vice President – HR

1210 hrs – 1250 hrs
Mr Arun Sehgal
Executive Vice President – HR
GSK – Consumer Healthcare

1250 hrs – 1330 hrs

1330 hrs – 1430 hrs

1430 hrs – 1510 hrs
Training and Retraining Initiatives
Information Technology / Services
Mr Anand Pillai
Head – Learning and Development

1510 hrs – 1550 hrs
Mr P Padmakumar
Head – HR

1550 hrs – 1615 hrs

1615 hrs – 1630 hrs
Tea / Coffee

1630 hrs – 1715 hrs
Mr G D Sharma
Vice President & Head – People & OD

Mr S Natarajan
Head – Construction Skills Training

1715 hrs – 1725 hrs

1725 hrs – 1730 hrs

1730 hrs
Concluding Remarks and Vote of Thanks
Seminar on Best Practices on Training and Retraining
7 May 2008: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi


Delegate Fee: Rs 3,500

We are pleased to nominate the following participant(s) for the programme:

Sl. Name Designation Email





The DD / Cheque No. ________________ for Rs. ________________ towards the delegate fee drawn in favour of “Confederation of Indian Industry”, payable at New Delhi is enclosed.

Contact Person Name: __________________ Designation ________________________
Telephone:________________ Fax:_______________________ Mobile:______________

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 10% for nominations received before 1 May 2008

General Rules
10% discount on more than 2 nominations would be offered
Delegate fee non-refundable but change in nomination accepted

Workshop on “Assessment for Business Excellence” in Goa.

Dear Members,

Workshop on “Assessment for Business Excellence”
20 – 23 May 2008 : Goa

I am pleased to advise that the Workshop on “Assessment for Business Excellence” is being organised during 20 – 23 May 2008 in Goa.

This four-day workshop (non – residential) is aimed at developing skills for assessing the effectiveness of various management approaches and their deployment for achieving Business Excellence. The course is designed based on training material and case study from European Foundation for Quality Management. The assessors of the European Excellence Award and the CII-EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence are also trained through the same case study.

The Objectives of the programme are as follows:
-To get an integrated view of management for Business Excellence.
-To enable the participants acquire the assessment skills for measuring the effectiveness of various management initiatives taken by an organisation towards achieving Business Excellence.
-To prepare potential assessors for the CII-EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence.

The Course Contents for the training programme include:
The Excellence Model – an integrated view
Integrating Assessment with Business Planning and Improvement
European Excellence Model/CII-EXIM Model for Business Excellence
Syndicate Exercises on Assessment and Consensus Scoring
Measuring, Scoring and Reporting the progress on effective TQM implementation
Developing a Status/Position report of the organisation for internal assessment or award application
Assessment of Strengths and Areas for Improvement
Award and Recognition Programmes on Business Excellence

This workshop is a must for all those managers who are leading the change process in their organisations to become globally competitive and progress towards achieving business excellence. It is particularly beneficial to Heads of Corporate Planning and Business Development, Functional and Departmental Heads, TQM Co-ordinators and Senior Managers.

The Registration details and the Reply Form are reproduced herewith for your reference and use.

Since registration is on first-come-first served basis, please forward your nominations at the earliest.

Registration Details

The Delegate Fee is:
Rs 24,500/- per participant for Members and
Rs 27,000/- for Non Members
Rs 18, 000/- for Small and Medium Businesses
Rs 15,000/- for Educational Institutions

For confirmation of nominations, please forward your nominations along with on par cheque/DD towards delegate fee drawn in favour of CII Institute of Quality, payable at Bangalore.

Delegate fee is non-refundable. Changes in nominations are acceptable, for this particular workshop only.

Mr N Deep
Executive Officer
CII Institute of Quality
Near Bharat Nagara, II Stage
Tel: 080 2328 9390/9391/6085
Magadi Main Road, Vishwaneedam Post
Fax: 080 2328 9388
Bangalore – 560 091
Workshop on “Assessment for Excellence”
20 – 23 May 2008 : Goa

Our organization will be represented by:

Name (as it should appear in the certificate) Designation

1. ___________________________________ ___________________________________________

2. ___________________________________ ___________________________________________

3. ___________________________________ ___________________________________________

4. ___________________________________ ___________________________________________

Demand Draft drawn in favour of CII Institute of Quality, payable in Bangalore, for Rs_________________ towards the delegate fee is enclosed / being sent.

Details of the person through whom the nominations are made, for further correspondence

Name: _________________________ Designation: ______________________________________

Company: _________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Tel: __________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________________


CORP EXCEL­- National MSME Excellance Awards

National MSME Excellance Awards
Corporation Bank is instituting the National MSME Excellence Awards every year. The award process is through inviting entries from Micro SME and selecting the outstanding based on the Tripple bottom line concept i.e., Economic, Environmental and Social.

A copy of the application is available at GSIA office.

The same can be downloaded from the website- or from Copies of the applications are also available at the branches.
The completed applications may be submitted to Corporation Bank for onward submission to Mis. End to end Marketing Solutions, Bangalore.

The process is independent and transparent with the association of
a. Justice K.5 Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte, who will evaluate and will short
list the entries.
b. Mis. Haribhakta Associates, Mumbai, who will re-validate the entries short listing

The entries are open to all and not restricted to customers of Corporation Bank.
You may also contact the toll free No. 1800 1024 554 for having any details of this award.

Workshop on Risk Management in Supply Chain

CII Gujarat along with the “CII Institute of Logistics” is organizing a “Workshop on Risk Management in Supply Chain” on Friday, 2 May 2008 at Hotel Fortune Landmark, Ahmedabad.

This workshop is going to give insight on the Effective Risk Management strategy to be employed by the companies who are into manufacturing / Retail / Service Industry.

I am attaching the details of the workshop and the reply form for the same. This workshop is conducted by a senior faculty from “CII INSTITUTE OF LOGISTICS”. I am sure it will give insights on the prime concerns in Supply Chain Risk, as well as provide adequate information on securing your supply chain, new technologies to support your supply chain risk management, also have a debate / interaction with fellow participants and the faculty.

I would request you to please go through the same and nominate related persons from your company who look after the Supply Chain.

Pankaj Tibak
Deputy Director
Confederation of Indian Industry
203,204 Sears Towers, Panchvati,
Gulbai Tekra, Ahmedabad – 380006.
Mobile : 9825036696
Ph : 91 79 26468872 / 26469843.
Fax : 91 79 26462878
Email : [email protected]
Website :

Reply Form

Please Fax / Mail to:
Mr Pankaj Tibak Tel No. : 079-26468872/9346 / 9843
Confederation of Indian Industry Fax No. : 079-26462878
203-204, Sears Tower Mobile : 9825036696
Near Panchvati, Gulbai Tekra Email : [email protected]
Ahmedabad -380 006

Workshop on
Friday, 2 May, 2008, 0930 – 1800 Hrs: Hotel Fortune Landmark, Ahmedabad
Following would attend from our Organization:
Name Designation
a) _____________________________ _____________________________
b) _____________________________ _____________________________
c) _____________________________ _____________________________
d) _____________________________ _____________________________

1. CII Members : Rs 1500/-
2. Non Members : Rs 2000/-
3. Students & Academia : Rs 750/-
Avail 10% Discount on 3 or more delegates from the company.
Please find enclosed our Cheque / Demand Draft for Rs ____________ drawn in favor of
“Confederation of Indian Industry” payable at Ahmedabad.
Name : _____________________________________________________________
Designation : _____________________________________________________________
Organization : ______________________________________________________________
Address : ___________________________________________________________
Phone : ______________________________ Fax: _________________________
Mobile : ____________________________________________________________
E-mail : ____________________________________________________________
• Prior Registration is essential • Participation fee is non-refundable • However, change in nomination is acceptable • Program is non-residential


7 May 2008: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Increased competitiveness with an environment of rapid technological innovation and change has compelled organisations to focus, optimise and improve their methods of “Training and Retraining”. This assumes great significance in the present times when efforts are made at continuous learning and also at an efficient use of human capital. The challenge is to achieve organisational goals along with the employees’ professional and personal growth.

I am writing to advise that CII is organizing a one-day Seminar on Best Practices on Training and Retraining on 7 May 2008 at India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003. The Seminar would provide the participants an opportunity to learn and study the Successful Practices on Training and Retraining adopted by successful organisations for greater productivity and competitiveness.

The Sessions would be based on Experiential Sharing of Best Practices and would be most useful for professionals who are responsible for Training in their Organisations.

A copy of the Draft Programme is reproduced herebelow.

I am writing to request you to attend this Seminar as well as nominate concerned officials. Please confirm your participation through the attached Reply Form. A nominal fee of Rs 3,500/- per delegate has been kept to cover the administrative costs. An early bird discount of 10% has been kept for nominations received before 1 May 2008. An additional discount of 10% will also be given for more than two nominations.

We look forward to receiving your confirmation.

Kind regards,

B Santhanam
CII National Committee on HR & IR / ER
Seminar on Best Practices on Training and Retraining
7 May 2008: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi


Delegate Fee: Rs 3,500

We are pleased to nominate the following participant(s) for the programme:

Sl. Name Designation Email





The DD / Cheque No. ________________ for Rs. ________________ towards the delegate fee drawn in favour of “Confederation of Indian Industry”, payable at New Delhi is enclosed.

Contact Person Name: ______________________Designation ____________________________

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 10% for nominations received before 1 May 2008

General Rules
10% discount on more than 2 nominations would be offered
Delegate fee non-refundable but change in nomination accepted
7 May 2008: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
DRAFT programme
0900 hrs – 0930 hrs
0930 hrs – 1000 hrs
Opening Session

1000 hrs – 1030 hrs
Presentation on Training and Retraining Initiatives –
Concept, Practices & Impact
Dr David Tai
Head – Learning

1030 hrs – 1100 hrs

1100 hrs – 1130 hrs
Tea / Coffee

1130 hrs – 1210 hrs
Training and Retraining Initiatives
Consumer Durables
Mr Vineet Kaul
Executive Director & Vice President – HR

1210 hrs – 1250 hrs
Mr Arun Sehgal
Executive Vice President – HR
GSK – Consumer Healthcare

1250 hrs – 1330 hrs

1330 hrs – 1430 hrs

1430 hrs – 1510 hrs
Training and Retraining Initiatives
Information Technology / Services
Mr Anand Pillai
Head – Learning and Development

1510 hrs – 1550 hrs
Mr P Padmakumar
Head – HR

1550 hrs – 1615 hrs

1615 hrs – 1630 hrs
Tea / Coffee

1630 hrs – 1715 hrs
Training and Retraining Initiatives in Construction
Mr G D Sharma
Vice President & Head – People & OD

1715 hrs – 1725 hrs

1725 hrs – 1730 hrs

1730 hrs
Concluding Remarks and Vote of Thanks


Workshop on “Target Costing and Kaizen Costing”

Workshop on “Target Costing and Kaizen Costing” – Cost Management Methodologies-
16 May 2008: Auditorium, CMA Tower A-2E, Sector-24, NOIDA.

In order to satisfy customers, a firm needs to maximize its efficiency throughout its entire value chain. If efficiency is not maximized throughout the entire value chain, costs might rise above those of rivals and it might be difficult to recoup these higher costs through increase of price. It is evident that management accounting has greatly evolved in response to the shift in business environment. New ranges of approaches and practices like Target Costing and Kaizen Costing have emerged for strategic positioning or strategic cost management. Closely associated with the determination and exploitation of competitive advantage, accounting for strategic positioning aims to generate information which supports senior management’s attempts to achieve or sustain a competitive position in the market, relative to competitors.

Emerged in the 1960s at Toyota, Target Costing is one of the strategic cost management approaches better suited to strengthen a company’s competitiveness in meeting today’s business challenges. Unlike the conventional cost-plus approach, Target Costing is an “open system” which links external and internal factors from the inception. The activities to optimize the key success factors (cost, quality, innovation, and time) of a product are carried out mainly at the development and design phases, involving a multi-functional team of a company’s participating functions as well as other members of value-chain, mainly the suppliers.

Target costing approach is widely used in various manufacturing industries such as automobile, electronic, electrical, precision equipment and many other process industries across the globe.

Once the product is developed, firms introduce process improvement methods to carry the profitability further through the manufacturing cycle. Often the improvement efforts are in isolation without their impact being traced to the bottom-line. Kaizen Costing fills this gap.

Kaizen costing maintains the current cost levels for currently manufactured products and works systematically to reduce costs to desired levels. The main objective of Kaizen costing is the relentless pursuit of cost reduction at every stage of manufacturing to help close any gaps between target profits and the current estimated profits.

Employed together with Target costing, Kaizen costing helps achievement of cost reduction goals in the entire product design-development-production cycle.

In order to give an insight on the two cost methodologies and help to develop a Model for Strategic Cost Reduction as a Managerial Response to Market Orientation, CII is organizing a One Day Workshop on Target Costing and Kaizen Costing.

The details of the programme are as follows:

Date : Friday, 16 May 2008
Time : 0900 hrs – 1715 hrs
Venue : Auditorium, CMA Tower, A-2E, Sector-24, Noida- 201301

Topics to be covered
Ø Basics of Cost Management
Ø Cost Management during Design phase
Ø Cost Management during Manufacturing phase
Ø Kaizen Costing v/s Standard Costing
Ø Inter-organisational Cost Management

The programme has been designed keeping in mind the increasing importance of Design, Operations, Marketing and Costing. Through this programme we seek to focus on those factors, tools and other sources of information that would help you to take a decision, a decision, which helps in better and sound Cost Management.

Who Would Benefit
CEOs, CFOs, CIO’s, Managers, businessmen, Cost Centers, Cost Analysts, executives and entrepreneurs dealing or concerned with strategic planning and implementation.

Mr. M Hariharan FCA, CWA, has over ten years of consultancy experience with a variety of clients in both manufacturing and service sectors. His principal interest addresses the impact of cost information on the managerial decisions. He has rich experience in designing Cost Information Systems aligned to the strategic focus of the business.

He believes, in the word “participant”. He is renowned for his innovative approach to make the participant unravel ideas and concepts. He has “explored” cost and constraint management issues with business executives throughout India through various forums. He has presented papers in cost conferences and his articles on cost management issues have been published in business newspapers. He is a visiting faculty at SP Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai and Dubai.

Members/Non-members are requested to take advantage of this unique programme by registering / nominating suitable persons from the organisation. Please note as limited number of seats are available, prior registration is necessary. The registration would be on first come first serve basis. Kindly send the attached registration form (duly filled) to confirm your participation latest by 14 May 2008.

Kind regards,
R S Bidesi
CII – Western U.P. Zonal Council

For further details please contact:
Vinay Patel
CII-Western UP Zone
CMA Tower, A-2E,
Mezzanine Floor, Sector-24
Noida – 201301, UP
Ph: 0120-4231957, 4345972, -73

Vinay Patel
Confederation of Indian Industry
Western U.P. Zonal Office
CMA Tower, A-2E, Mezzanine Floor, Sector-24
Noida (U.P.) – 201301
[email protected]
tel: +91-120-4231957
fax: +91-120-4345970
mobile: +91-9891817844

FOURTH India Innovation Summit

CII is organising the “FOURTH India Innovation Summit” on 20-21 June 2008 at Hotel Leela Palace, Bangalore.

Details of the programme can be collected from GSIA office. Registration form is reproduced herebelow
Knowledge Partner: the FOURTH India Innovation Summit
20-21 June 2008 : Hotel Leela Palace, Bangalore


We would like to attend the India Innovation Summit 2008 on 20-21 June 2008
We would also like to participate in “Innovation Challenge Paper”
(For more information, kindly refer the summit brochure)

Organisation: .…………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….
Rep. by: (CEO/MD) ………………………………………….…………………Designation: ……..………………………………
Tel: …………………………… Fax:…………………………… Email: ……………………………………………….
Address: …………………………………………………………………….……………………………….

Nominations from our Organisation:

Mobile No
Email id

Delegate fees for the India Innovation Summit 2008 (two days)
Rs. 6,000/- per delegate for Non-CII Members
Rs. 5,000/- per delegate for CII members (Large and Medium companies)
Rs. 4,500/- per delegate for CII Small Scale members
Rs.1,500/- per delegate for students & faculty from educational institutions
[Group discount of 10 % will be applicable for more than three nominations from the same organisation][also avail early bird discount of Rs. 500/- per delegate till 20th May 2008 (on registration with the delegate fee)]

Our Cheque / Demand Draft for Rs……………………/- drawn in favour of “Confederation of Indian Industry” payable at Bangalore, is enclosed.
(Registration fees are non-refundable. However a change in nomination is acceptable)
(Kindly note that prior registration is mandatory)

For further information and RSVP:
Augustine T U / Deepak Vardey
Confederation of Indian Industry
#1086, 12th Main, HAL 2nd Stage
Indiranagar, Bangalore 560 008
Tel: 080-2527 6544 / 545 / 706 / 707 / Fax: 080-2527 6709
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Appreciation Programme on “TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM”

Appreciation Programme on “TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM”
16 May 2008 : New Delhi

The “Toyota Production System” which is also known as a “Thinking Production System” is a comprehensive model encompassing all Management Principles. Testimony to this fact is that today Toyota is globally No.2 and is poised to become the top automaker shortly.

The system is generic in nature and can be applied across sectors .Today there are successful practitioners of TPS across Diverse sectors such as Banking, Hospitals, Software etc. So What makes TPS click is it’s simple but focussed approach

It is a balanced mix of the 4P’s of Philosophy, Process, People and Partners that has made Toyota what they are today in all geographical areas of operation.

The objectives of the programme are to provide inputs to participants to enable them to :

-Assess their current standing Vis a Vis the TPS Way.
-Decide on which Initiatives to be taken up on priority
-Make mid course corrections/ modify the existing systems/initiatives
-Devise their own Production System .
-See dimension of Processes, People, Partners & problem solving in Unison
-How all these tools are to be integrated & used in a daily atmosphere.

The programme covers
14 Principles of TPS across the 4P’s of Philosophy, Processes, Partnership & Problem solving
Elements of TPS such as 3M,Jidoka, JIT Principles in detail
Unique elements of TPS such as Kanban, Andon, Heijunka, Visual Control etc with suggested areas of application.
How do the senior functionaries use these tools and techniques to ascertain and monitor Organizational health?
Discussion on successes & Failures of TPS Implementation

This programme is targeted at the Top & Senior Management Personnel, who would be acting as initiative drivers in the organization. Also senior functionaries from the Production function, Shop floor Managers who would deploy many of these initiatives could benefit as a major part of the programme is about strengthening of the Processes

Should have a good grasp of the Organization’s Processes, and knowledgeable about Production & Quality initiatives and preferably worked across departments.

The Program would be anchored by Mr K R Shivakumar, Counsellor, CII Institute of Quality. He has Industry experience in the Manufacturing Sector for over 15 Years and is associated with various Manufacturing and Service Industries for implementing various TPS initiatives. He was also associated with the Toyota Group of companies for a decade working in various capacities His Current work profile in CII encompasses counselling, training. managing systems implementation, external auditing, Assessment of Business excellence etc. across different Sectors.

Kindly take advantage of this programme and nominate colleagues from your organization.

Registration and other details are enclosed.

We look forward to your early response.

Yours sincerely,
S.K. Kakkar

Principal Counsellor & Head
CII Institute of Quality


Executive Officer
CII Institute of Quality
Plot 249 F, Udyog Vihar Phase IV
Sector 18
Gurgaon 122 015
Tel : 0124 4014051 / 4309447 -D / 4014060 – 67 – B
Fax : 0124 4014051
Email: [email protected]

Registration Details


CII Members
Large & Medium Companies
Rs.4,000/- per participant
Rs.4,500/- per participant
SSI Units
Rs.3,000/- per participant
Rs.3,500/- per participant

Companies nominating 3 or more participants will be eligible for a discount of 10% on the delegate fee

Exact venue will be intimated on receiving nomination.

For confirmation of nominations, please forward your nominations along with the cheque/DD towards delegate fee drawn in favour of CII Institute of Quality, Bangalore.

Delegate fee is non-refundable. Changes in nominations are acceptable.

This is a non- residential programme. Therefore delegates are requested to make their own arrangements for their accommodation.

For registration and more details please contact Mr Amitabh Vyas.
Mr Amitabh Vyas
Executive Officer
CII Institute of Quality
Plot No 249 – F, Udyog Vihar Phase IV
Tel : 0124 4014060 – 67/ 4014051/4309447
Sector 18
Fax : 0124 4014051
Gurgaon 122 015
Email : [email protected]

REPLY FORMAppreciation Programme on
“Toyota Production System”
16 May 2008 : New Delhi
Our organization will be represented by :

Name Designation
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
At par Cheque”/Demand Draft drawn in favour of CII Institute of Quality, Bangalore for Rs._________________ towards the delegate fee is enclosed.

Nominated by: __________________________ Designation: ____________________
Company: _____________________________________________________________
Tel: ___________________________________ Fax: __________________________
Email: ________________________________________

Six Sigma – Champion Training

Dear Member,
Six Sigma – Champion Training
26 May 2008 : New Delhi

In line with CII’s theme “Building People Building India”, the CII-Institute of Quality (CII-IQ) plays a proactive role to enhance competitiveness of Indian Industry. Creating a World–Class facility requires knowledge on appropriate and matching skills and capabilities of its people. Many companies in India and abroad are on this journey. CII-IQ plays a proactive role to enhance SIX SIGMA Tools & Techniques in Indian Industry. A few success stories have begun to evolve in India through CII’s continued effort.

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organising a SIX SIGMA CHAMPION TRAINING PROGRAMME on 26 May 2008 at New Delhi. Champion Training is intended to produce Champions who are responsible for coordinating a business roadmap to successfully achieve Six Sigma within the organization. As a Champion, you will learn to identify importance of project selection. You will learn about the tools used to complete successful projects as well as your responsibilities throughout the Define, Measure & Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) process.

Course Objective

Impart senior management an indepth understanding of the Six sigma culture
DOE techniques and their usefulness in achieving process improvements
Sharing of various case studies of Six sigma implementation

Course Content
Introduction and Origin of Six sigma
Introduction to concepts like RTY (Rolled Throughput Yield), DPMO (Defects per million opportunities)
Concept of Cpk and estimated Part to Part variation in the Process
Effective Organization structure setup for Six sigma implementation
Selection of Black Belt projects
Management review and control mechanism of Black Belt projects
Introduction to DOE tools used in Six sigma
DMAIC (Define, Measure & Analyze, Improve and Control) phases in Process improvement
Sharing of case studies of Black Belt projects which has achieved breakthrough improvements in manufacturing processes

Target Audience
Personnel from Top/Senior Management or Department/ Functional Heads, Senior Managers and Managers from Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Design, Vendor Development, Production, Production engineering.

Duration : One Day

Certificate : for the Participation will be issued by Confederation of Indian Industry

For Registration details & delegate fee please see the attached Reply form.
I am writing to request you to take advantage of this unique programme and nominate colleagues from your organisation. Since the seats are limited and the nominations will be accepted on “first come first served” basis, please send the attached Reply Form at the earliest.

Kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
S K Kakkar


Mr Ram Narayan is a Mechanical Engineer and a Post Graduate Diploma holder in Business Administration. He worked in Lucas TVS from 1991-1996 and joined Omnex in 1996 as a Consultant for implementation of Quality Systems and Process Improvement for Automotive industries. He was earlier heading the Systems Certification in TUV Rheinland Academy and helped the supplier base of OEM’s for improving the product quality and achieving customer satisfaction through implementation of effective systems.

Mr Ram Narayan, with his wide experience, has helped the industry in implementing FMEA, Process Control using Statistical Techniques and Problem Solving approach making process improvements in various assignments. He is a Six Sigma Master Black Belt.

Registration Details

Delegate Fee :

CII Members Non-members
per participant per participant
Rs 4,000/- Rs 4,500/-
Large & Medium companies
SSI Units Rs 3250/- Rs 3750/-

Discount : 10% discount for 3 or more nominations from the same company

Pre-registration and pre-payment is essential for participation. Kindly forward your nominations along with the DD / cheque towards delegate fee drawn in favour of CII Institute of Quality, payable at Bangalore or through at par cheque.
Delegate fee is non-refundable, however changes in nominations are acceptable.
Nominations will be accepted on “first come first served” basis.
This is a non- residential programme. Therefore delegates are requested to make their own arrangements for their accommodation.

Amitabh Vyas
Confederation of Indian Industry
Plot No. 249- F, Sector 18
Phase IV, Udyog Vihar
Tel: 0124-4014051 / 4014060-67 / 4309447
Fax: 0124-4014051
Email: [email protected]

Six Sigma – Champion Training
26 May 2008 : New Delhi

Our organization will be represented by:

Name Designation Phone Email ID

1.___________________ _______________ ____________ ______________
2.­­­___________________ _______________ ____________ ______________
3.___________________ _______________ ____________ ______________

Name of the HR Head Designation Phone Email ID

___________________ _______________ ____________ ______________
Name of the Quality Head Designation Phone Email ID

___________________ _______________ ____________ ______________

Nomination by: _________________ Designation: _______________ Signature:_____________

Company: _____________________________________________________________________

Address : ______________________________________________________________________



Tel : __________________________________ Fax :___________________________________
Email : _________________________________________________________________________

Auditor / Lead Auditor Training Course organised by CII

Dear Sir / Madam,

Auditor / Lead Auditor Training Course
(IRCA Certification Number A17392) (NRBPT Certification Number LQ 102)
27 – 31 May 2008 : Gurgaon

As part of compliance to ISO 9000 Quality Management System, organisations need to conduct regular Quality System Audits carried out by trained Auditors. In order to meet these requirements, CII has upgraded its Auditor / Lead Auditor Training Course. We are pleased to announce the Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course on 27 – 31 May 2008 at Gurgaon.

The course fulfils the requirements for qualifying as Auditors/Lead Auditors to the IRCA Scheme (IRCA 602). The Course also qualifies for QMS auditor certification with NRBPT (National Registration Board for Personnel & Training), a Board set up by the Quality Council of India (QCI).

By the end of this course delegates will be able to :

Satisfy the training requirements for IRCA certification to all grades of Quality Management System (QMS) Auditors

Plan and conduct audits against ISO 9001: 2000 Standards

Understand and apply the 8 principles of quality management to design an effective and efficient system for own organization

Understand and apply the Process Management Approach

The course will provide knowledge and opportunity to demonstrate skills against these objectives. The course concludes with an examination on the last day. Successful participants would be issued certificates recognised by IRCA and NRBPT. Certificate of successful completion are valid for three years for the purpose of auditor certification by NRBPT and IRCA.

Participants Profile : The course would benefit technical personnel from Production, Quality, Inspection, Maintenance, Purchase, Marketing, Sales and Auditors (External & Internal). Nominated delegates are expected to have some understanding of the content, application and implementation of the ISO 9000:2000 Series of Standards.

Duration : Five Days: Attendance : Full attendance at the course is mandatory to qualify. Use of Mobile Phones is not permitted during the Training Sessions.

I am writing to invite you to take advantage of this unique training course and nominate colleagues from your organisation.

We look forward to your response.

Kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
S K Kakkar


CII Members: Rs 18,000/- per delegate
CII Non Members: Rs 20,000/- per delegate

For confirmation of nominations, please forward your nominations along with the ‘at par cheque’ / Demand Draft towards delegate fee drawn in favour of CII Institute of Quality, Bangalore. Nominations will be confirmed only if delegate fee received in advance.

Delegate fee is neither refundable nor adjustable against any future programme, as the Course has limited seats of 20 only. Changes in nominations are acceptable.

Companies nominating 3 or more participants to any single programme will be eligible for a discount of 10% on the delegate fee.

All discounts are available only if the delegate fee is received before the commencement of the programme.

This is a non- residential programme. Therefore delegates are requested to make their own arrangements for accommodation.

Amitabh Vyas
Executive Officer
Confederation of Indian Industry Tel : 0124 4014051 / 4309447 / 4014060-67 – B
249 – F, Sector 18 Fax : 0124 4014051
Udyog Vihar Phase IV, Gurgaon 122015 Email: [email protected]

Auditor / Lead Auditor Training Course
(IRCA Certification Number A17392) (NRBPT Certification Number LQ 102)
27 – 31 May 2008 : Gurgaon

The following executives would attend the above course:-
Name Designation

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

At Par Cheque / Demand Draft drawn in favour of CII Institute of Quality, Bangalore for Rs.__________ towards the delegate fee is enclosed.

Name : _____________________________ Designation : _______________________________

Company : ______________________________________________________________________

Address :________________________________________________________________________


Tel : ___________________________________________________________________________

Fax : ___________________________________________________________________________


PS : Kindly arrange to send the Reply Form and delegate fee to the address given above only